Manchester Township

Land Preservation

Conservation Programs & Information

Guide to Washtenaw County Conservation Resources

Washtenaw County Conservation District

See upcoming events, sign up for monthly newsletters and find out about the programs they offer for farmers and landowners (direct links to some of the programs below)

Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP)

MAEAP is administered through local Conservation Districts; separate programs for Crops, Farmsteads, Livestock and Forest, Wildlife and Habitat Systems

WCCD Farmer Cost-Share Programs

For smaller projects that don’t meet other guidelines


Multiple programs for farmers and owners of woodlands, wetlands and natural areas (some specific links below)

Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)

EQIP provides technical and financial assistance to agricultural producers and forest landowners to address natural resource concerns

Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP)

NRCS works one-on-one with producers to develop a conservation plan that outlines and enhances existing efforts, using new conservation practices or activities, based on management objectives for your operation.

Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)

In exchange for removing environmentally sensitive land from production and establishing permanent resource conserving plant species, farmers and ranchers are paid an annual rental rate

Washtenaw County Natural Areas Preservation Program

County-wide millage in place for over 20 years has permanently preserved 9,165 acres in the county

Apply For Preservation of Your Land – Washtenaw County

State of Michigan Farmland Development Rights Agreements (PA 116)

Creates a temporary restriction on the land between the State and a landowner,  preserving their land for agriculture in exchange for certain tax benefits

Farmer-Led Watershed Conservation

Farmers helping farmers protect water quality in the River Raisin watershed through education, monitoring and various conservation programs 

Legacy Land Conservancy

Whether your land is a working farm or home to natural habitats, a conservation agreement is a tool to help you protect and conserve what is special about your land today and for tomorrow’s generations.

US Fish & Wildlife Service – Partners for Fish & Wildlife

The Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program provides free technical and financial assistance to landowners, managers, tribes, corporations, schools and nonprofits interested in improving wildlife habitat on their land.  Projects are voluntary and customized to meet landowners’ needs. Participating landowners continue to own and manage their land while they improve conditions for wildlife.

Washtenaw County Historic District Commission

WCHDC implements the county’s historic preservation program through which a property owner can establish a local historic district to protect qualifying historic structures.  Any designation is permanent and applies to future owners; the owner qualifies for a 25% tax credit for qualifying maintenance and upgrades.

Michigan State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)

SHPO evaluates, protects and promotes Michigan’s historic built environment and archaeological sites by helping property owners, developers, and local and state agencies identify and rehabilitate historic places.  They administer the National Register of Historic Places for the state and many other programs that could be of benefit to Manchester Township.

Michigan Historic Preservation Network

MHPN is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides training and resources to support historic preservation in Michigan.  They host an annual conference.  Recordings of their monthly webinars cover a wide array of topics and are available on their website. They administer predevelopment and intervention loans to support restoration or reuse of historic resources.


ArcGIS Web Application

This interactive map provides an idea of what our landscapes looked like in the early 1800s, according to the original land surveyors of Michigan (Manchester was surveyed in 1824).  You can then compare that to a current aerial photo.  You can enter an address or zoom in to any location in Michigan. Click in the upper right corner for the legend of the different vegetation types. Or click in the map and the vegetation type will show up. ArcGIS Web Application This article, In My Backyard: Part 4 provides helpful tips on navigating this website.

Map of all Parks and Preserved Lands in Washtenaw County

Facilities PDF

River Raisin Watershed Council (RRWC)

All of Manchester Township is within the River Raisin watershed; RRWC provides programing and information for residents, farmers and landowners to help protect water quality

Michigan Forest Association (MFA)

MFA provides sound, science-based information through workshops, newsletters, a quarterly magazine, field days, and legislative outreach and advocacy

Michigan Natural Features Inventory (MNFI)

MNFI generates and disseminates the highest quality scientific information on the location and condition of Michigan’s rare species and habitats

Invasive species in Washtenaw County

Resources on identifying and managing invasive species

Jackson Lenawee Washtenaw Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area​ (CISMA)

The JLW CISMA’s purpose is to prevent, detect, eradicate and control invasive species in the area, create a strategic plan for reducing the threat of invasive species, and provide outreach/educational opportunities for local citizens and stakeholder groups


A website where new or expanding farmers can find affordable farmland

Michigan Barn Preservation Network

MPBN is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit committed to the rehabilitation of traditional barns for agricultural, business, public and residential uses. They provide resources for barn restoration and host an annual conference.  They work to raise awareness and aid in the continuing presence of barns in our communities and on the landscape.

Ducks Unlimited – Great Lakes/Atlantic Regional Office

Ducks Unlimited is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit that conserves, restores, and manages wetlands and associated habitats for North America’s waterfowl.  They host an annual convention and other events and offer resources to support their mission.  One of DU’s programs offers farmers in the Western Lake Erie Basin incentives to use cover crops on their fields to improve soil and water quality.

Pheasants Forever – Washtenaw Chapter #151

Pheasants Forever operates in North America but relies on local chapters to determine how to focus their efforts.  The Washtenaw County Chapter is focused on creating, preserving and restoring habitat that benefits pheasants and other upland wildlife.  Their activities include improving habitat, informing the public about land management and educating future generations of hunting enthusiasts.